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http://yingyu.yinghuaedu.com  来源:英华教育(青岛)语言中心  发布时间:2012-09-10 13:31:37


fabricate        to make or invent in order to deceive:捏造
       The story was fabricated and completely untrue.
facet      any of the many flat sides of a cut jewel or precious stone:(宝石等的)小平面;琢面
       The question had many facets.
facilitate to make easy or easier; help:使变得容易;有助于
       The new machine will facilitate the job.
facility    ability to do something easily:技能;熟巧
       His facility with / in language is surprising.
facsimile        an exact copy, esp. of a picture or piece of writing:复制品;摹本
factor      any of the forces, conditions, influences, etc. that act with others to bring about a result:因素;要素
       His friendly manner is an important factor in his rapid success.
faculty    a natural power or ability, esp. of the mind:才能;能力
       For a woman of 85, she still has all her faculties.
fade       to (cause to) lose strength, color, freshness, etc. (使)枯萎;凋谢
       The sun has faded the material.
fairly      in a manner that is free from dishonesty, injustice, etc. 诚实公正地
        I felt that I hadn’t been treated fairly.
fallible    able or likely to make a mistake:会犯错误的;易犯错误的
       Everybody is fallible.
falsify     to make false by changing something:篡改;改造
       to falsify the records / facts
familiar    generally know, seen, or experienced; common:熟悉的;常见的;普通的
       a familiar sight
familiarity       thorough knowledge (of):通晓;精通
       His familiarity with many foreign languages surprises us all.
famine    very serious lack of food:饥荒
       Many people die during famines every year.
fatty       (of food) containing a lot of fat:(指食物)脂肪的;油腻的
fatigue     great tiredness:疲劳;劳累
       He was pale fatigue after his sleepless night.
federal    of or formed into a political federation:联邦的;联邦制的
       Switzerland is a federal republic.
feminine        of or having the qualities suitable for a woman:有女性气质的
       She has a very feminine appearance.
fermentation   the period or event of chemical change caused by the action of certain living substances such as yeast:发酵
       Leave the beer / wine on the shelf during fermentation.
ferry      to carry on or as if on a ferryboat:运送
       ferrying the children to and from school in my car
fervent    feeling or showing strong and warm feeling:热情的;强烈的;炽热的
       a fervent desire to win
fetus       a young creature inside the mother, esp. at a later state when all its parts have been developed  for use at birth:胎;胎儿
fiancé     a man to whom a woman is engaged (=whom she has promised to marry):未婚夫
fiction     stories or novels about things that did not really happen as compares to other sorts of literature like history or poetry:小说 
       a writer of popular fiction
fidget      to move one’s body around in a restless, impatient way:不停地动;坐立不安
filament   a thin thread, such as that inside an electric light bulb:(电灯泡)灯丝;细丝
filter an apparatus through which substances can be passed so as to make clean or to separate liquids from solids:过滤器
financial  connected with money:财政的;金融的;财务的
       New York is a great financial center.
finicky    disliking many things; fussy:苛求的;过分讲究的
       Eat your fish and don’t be so finicky.
finite      having an end or limit:有限的;限定的
       a finite number of possibilities
firearm    a gun:枪;火器
flagstone a flat square of stone for a floor or path:(铺路用的)石板
flexible    that can be bent easily:易弯曲的;可弯曲的
flimsy     not strong; light and thin:轻而薄的;脆弱的
       flimsy cloth
flow to run or spread smoothly, pour:流;流动
       The stream flowed along rapidly.
fluctuate        to rise and fall; change from one state to another:波动;变动;浮动
       The price of vegetables fluctuates according to the season.
fluent      (a person) speaking or writing in an easy smooth manner:(指人)说话流利的;写作流畅的
       He is fluent in five languages.
fluorescent     having the quality of having out bright white light when electric or other waves are passed through:(指物质)荧光的;发光的
foible      a small rather foolish personal habit:小缺点;弱点;癖好
       My grandfather always takes a cold bath in the morning and it is a foible of his.
forecast to say, esp. with the help of some kind of knowledge, what is going to happen at some future time:预报;预测
       forecasting the future
forefront the most forward place, leading position:最前面;前方
       The brave soldier was in the forefront of the fighting.
foremost        most important; leading:最重要的;前面的
       Shakespeare is said to be the foremost writer in the English language.
forensic related to or used in the law and the tracking of criminals:法庭的
foreseeable     that can be foreseen:可预知的;可预见的
       a foreseeable accident
formality an act in accordance with law or custom:正规的手续
       There are a few formalities to settle before you become the lawful owner of the car.
former    of an earlier time:早期的;前任的
       a former president of the United States
formation       the shaping or developing of something:组成;形成
       School has a great influence on the formation of a child’s character.
formulate       to express in a short clear form:用公式表示
forum     any place where public matters may be talked over and argued about:公共集会场所;集会广场;论坛
       The letters page of this newspaper is a forum for public argument.
fossil      a hardened part or print of an animal or plant of long ago, that has been preserved in rock, ice, etc. 化石
foster      to encourage (something)to grow or develop:鼓励;激发
       We hope these meeting will help foster friendly relations between our two countries.
foundation      the act of starting the building or planning of something large, or starting some kind of organization:创立;创建
       The university has been famous for medical studies ever since its foundation.
fraction a division or part of a whole number:分数
fractionally     to a very small degree:极小的;极少的
       If your calculations are even fractionally incorrect, the whole plan will fail.
fragrant having a sweet or pleasant smell:芳香的;芬芳的
       The air in the garden was warm and fragrant.
fraud      deceitful behavior for the purpose of gain, which may be punishable by law, dishonesty:欺诈;欺骗
       She carried out a number of frauds on trusting people who lent her money.
frustrate        to prevent the fulfillment of; defeat (someone or someone’s effort):挫败;破坏;阻挠
       The bad weather frustrated all our hopes of going out.
fuel        (a type of) material that is used for producing heat or power by burning:燃料
       Wood, cool, oil, and gas are different kinds of fuel.
function a usual purpose (of a thing)or special duty (of a person):功能;作用;职责
       The function of an adjective is to describe or add to the meaning of a noun.
fundamental   (of a non-material thing) of the greatest importance; deep; being at the base, from which all else develops:基本的;根本的
furnace   a large enclosed fire used for producing hot water or steam:火炉
furor       a sudden burst of angry or excited interest among a large group of people:狂怒;狂热
       There was a furor over the new taxes.
furrow   a long narrow track, esp. one cut by a plow in farming land:犁沟;沟;垄沟
       The deep furrows made it difficult to walk across the field.
fusion     (a) melting, mixing, uniting, or joining together:熔解;熔合
       This metal is formed by the fusion of two other types of metal.



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