http://yingyu.yinghuaedu.com 来源:英华教育(青岛)语言中心 发布时间:2012-09-10 13:30:23
galaxy any of the large groups of stars which make up the universe:星群;星系
gallery a room, hall, or building when words of art are shown and sometimes offered for sale:画廊;美术品陈列室
gap an empty space between two objects or two parts of an object:缺口;缝隙
The gate was locked but we went through a gap in the fence.
garlic a plant like an onion which is used in cooking to give a strong taste:蒜;蒜头
gasp to breathe quickly, with difficulty, making a sudden noise:喘气;喘息
I came out of the water and gasped for breath.
gauge an instrument for measuring size, amount, etc. such as the width of wire, the amount of rain falling, etc. 测量仪表;量器
gender the state of being masculine, feminine or neuter:性(阳性、阴性或中性)
generality the quality of being general:普遍性;一般性
generalize to make a general statement (about):概括;归纳
Our history teacher is always generalizing, he never deals with anything in detail.
generic of or concerning a genus:属的;类的
genetic of or concerning genes or genetics:遗传的;起源的
genocide the act of killing a whole group of people, esp. a whole race:种族灭绝的;种族大屠杀
genuine (of an object) real; really what it seems to be:(指物品)真正的;地道的;名副其实的
geometry the study in mathematics of the angles and shapes formed by the relationships of lines, surfaces, and solids in space:几何学
germ a very small living thing which cannot be seen but may live on food or dirt or in the body, so causing disease:病菌;细菌
glacier a mass of ice which moves very slowly down a mountain valley:冰川;冰河
glamour a special quality of charm and beauty; attractiveness:魅力;诱惑力
the glamour of foreign countries
gland an organ of the body which treats materials from the bloodstream to produce various liquid substances:腺
glimpse to have a quick view of:一瞥;看一眼
I glimpsed her among the crowd just before she disappeared from sight.
glutinous sticky:粘的;胶质的
a bowl of glutinous rice
glycerin a sweet sticky colorless liquid used in making soap, medicines, and explosives:甘油;丙三醇
graduate to obtain a degree at a university, esp. a first degree:大学毕业;获得学位
granite a hard gray rock, used for building and making roads:花岗岩
granule a small bit like a fine grain:粒;微粒
a granule of salt
graphic concerned with written signs, usu. letters or drawings:书写的;文字的;图示的
the graphic arts
graveyard a piece of ground, sometimes near a church, where people are buried:(常指教堂附近的)墓地;坟地
grid a set of bars across each other in a frame, esp. one which is set on top of a car to carry boxes and bags:格子;(尤指车顶之)行李架
grind to crush into small pieces or a powder by pressing between hard surface:磨碎(成粉末);碾碎
grip to take a very tight hold (of):紧握;抓牢
grip harder
grit to become determined when in a position of difficulty:下定决心;咬紧牙关
The snow was blowing in her face, but she gritted her teeth and went on.
gross 1.unpleasantly fat:肥胖的;臃肿的
2.(of people’s speech and habits) rough, impolite, and offensive:指言行粗俗的;不雅的;下流的
She was shocked by his gross behavior at the party.
gullible easily tricked, esp. into a false belief:易受骗的;易上当的
He’s so gullible you could sell him anything.
gymnasium a hall with wall bars, ropes, and other such things, for climbing, jumping, etc.
相关关键字: 雅思 词汇 汇总 英语 学习 英华 青岛