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http://yingyu.yinghuaedu.com  来源:英华教育(青岛)语言中心  发布时间:2012-09-10 13:29:13


dangle     to hang or swing loosely:悬挂;摇晃
       keys dangling from a chain
deadline   a date or time before which something must be done:最后期限;截止时间
       I hope we can finish this before the deadline.
debtor     a person who owes money:债务人;欠债的人
decade    a period of 10 years:十年
decentralize     to move from one big place to several smaller places:(使)分散;疏散
decline    to move from a better to a worse position or from higher to lower:衰落;跌落;降低
decode    to discover the meaning of (something written in a code):解译密码
decoration      the act or art of decorating; the state of being decorated:装饰;装潢;装帧
deficiency       (a case of) the quality or state of being deficient;lack:缺乏;不足;缺少
definition 1.the act or action of defining:确定;界定;限定
       2.an exact statement of the meaning, nature, or limits of something:定义;界说
deform    to spoil the form or appearance of:损坏形象;毁容
       a face deformed by disease / anger
defy to show no fear of nor respect for:违抗;不服从;蔑视
       These criminals are defying the law.
degrade   to bring down in the opinion of others, in self-respect, or in behavior:降级;降格
degree     any of various measures:量度;度数
deliberate intentional; on purpose:有意的;故意的;蓄意的
       The car crash wasn’t an accident; it was a deliberate attempt to kill him.
delight     to cause great satisfaction, enjoyment, or joy:使欣喜;使愉快
       a book that is certain to delight
delta       the fourth letter of the Greek alphabet:希腊字母表上的第四个字母
democratic     1.of, related to, or favouring DEMOCRACY:民主政权的;信仰民主主义的;民主国家的
       2.of, related to, or intended to please the broad masses of the people:平民化的
demography    the study of information in figures (STATISTICS) the population of an area or country and how these figures vary with time:人口统计;人口学
demolish  to destroy; tear down:摧毁;推翻;拆除
demolition       the action of demolishing:破坏;毁坏;拆除
demonstrate    to show clearly:示范;说明
       Please demonstrate how the machine works.
demonstrative showing feelings openly:感情外露的;露骨的
       a demonstrative person / action    
denote     1.to be a name of:…之名称;代表
       The word “lion” denotes a certain kind of animal “Lion”.
       2.to be a mark of or that:为…之父好;表示
dental      of or related to the teeth:牙齿的
deplete    1.to lessen greatly in quantity, contents, power, or value:使空虚;使减少;使枯竭;使虚弱
       The cost of this journey has depleted our small store of money.
       2.rate to empty of something important:耗尽;用尽
deposit    to put down (usu. in a stated place):放下;放置
       Where can I deposit this load of sand?
derive from    to obtain from:从…得到;由…派生成的
       He derives a lot of pleasure from meeting new people.
designate to point out or call by a special name:支出;指明
       These x-marks on the drawing designate all the entrances to the building.
desperate       ready for and wild act because of loss of hope:不顾一切的;拼命的
determine       1.to form a firm intention in the mind:决心;下决心
       He determined to go at once / that he would go at once.
       2.to decide:决定
device    1.an instrument, esp. one that is cleverly thought out:(精巧的)仪器;设备
       a device for sharpening pencils
       2.something (such as a special phrase or group of words) which is intended to produce a particular artistic effect in a work of literature:精警之词句
dessert    sweet food served at the end of a meal:饭后甜食
       We had cake for dessert.
destructive     causing destruction:破坏的;毁坏的
       a destructive storm
detail       a small point or fact:细节;细目
       Everything in her story is correct (down) to the smallest detail.
detain     to keep (a person) somewhere for a certain time:拘留;扣押
       The police have detained two men for questioning at the police station.
deter      to prevent from action. esp. by the threat of something unpleasant; dissuade:使不散;威慑;阻碍
       The storm clouds deterred them from going out.
detergent a chemical product used for cleaning esp. clothing and dishes:洗衣粉;清洁剂
determine       to decide; find out:决定;确定
       to determine the rights and wrongs of the case
deteriorate      to become worse:变化;恶化
       his deteriorating health
detract    to take something away from; make less the value of:取走;贬低;减弱
       All the decoration detracts from the beauty of the building’s shape.
devastate to destroy completely; make impossible to live in:毁坏;破坏;使荒芜
devour    a statement which is the result of diagnosing:诊断
       The two doctors made / gave different diagnoses of my disease.
diagram   a plan or figure dawn to explain an idea; drawing which shows how something works:图表;图解
diaphragm      the muscle that separates the lungs from the stomach:横膈膜
diarrhea   an illness in which the bowels are emptied too often and into liquid form:腹泻
dictate     to say (words) for someone else to write down or for a machine to record:口述;口授
       She was dictating (a letter) to her secretary.
diction    the way in which a person pronounces words:发音法
       Actors need training in diction.
diesel engine   a type of oil-burning engine often used for trucks, buses and trains:柴油机
differentiate    to see, express, or make a difference (between):分辨;辨别;区分
       I can’t differentiate these two sounds.
diffuse    widely spread:漫射的;扩散的;弥漫的
       Direct light is better for reading than diffuse light.
digest     to be changed into a form that the body can use:(使)消化
       Mary can’t digest fat.
digestion  (a) power of digesting:消化力的;消化功能
       Too much rich food is bad for your digestion.
digit       any of the numbers from 0 to 9:零到九的数字
dignify    to give DIGNITY to:使…变得高贵,威严
       Don’t try to dignify those few hairs on your face by calling them a beard.
dispute   1.to argue, angrily and for some time:争论;争辩;争执
       They disputed for hours (about) where to go.
       2.to disagree about; call into question; doubt:怀疑;反驳
dilate       to make or become wider or larger:张大;扩大
       Her eyes dilated with terror.
dilemma a difficult choice to be made between two courses of action:困境;两难;进退维谷
       She was in a dilemma as to whether to stay in school or get a job.
dilute      to make (a liquid) weaker or thinner by mixing another liquid with it:(把液体)弄稀;弄淡;稀释
       He diluted the paint with water.
dim        not bright; not clear:昏暗的;不清晰的
       The light is too dim for me to read easily.
dingy      dirty and faded:(指东西和处所)肮脏的
       a dingy little room
dinosaur        a very large long tailed creature (reptile) that lived in very ancient times and no longer exists:恐龙
diploma   an official paper showing that a person has successfully finished a course of study:毕业文凭;学位证书
       She has a diploma in engineering.
directory a book or list of names, facts, etc. usu. arranged in alphabetical order:住址姓名簿;指南;工商人名录
       The telephone directory gives people’s names, addresses, and telephone numbers.
disarm     to take the weapons away from:缴械;解除武装
       The police disarmed the criminal.
discard   to get rid of as useless:废除;废气;扔弃;抛弃
discharge to allow or ask (a person) to go:(让某人)走开;释放(某人)
       He was discharges from the army.
discipline       training of the mind and body to produce obedience and self-control:训练;管教;身心的锻炼
discount  a reduction made in the cost of buying goods in a shop:贴现;折扣
              a discount of 10 per cent
discrepancy    difference; lack of agreement:不同;不一致
       You said you paid $5 and the bill says $3 how do you explain the discrepancy?
discussion      a case or the action of discussing:商讨;讨论
dismay    to fill with dismay:使(充满)惊慌;使灰心;使沮丧
disperse   to scatter in different directions:(使)弄散;驱散;解散
       The wind dispersed the smoke.
disposable      intended to be used once and then thrown away:可以用后便扔的;一次的
       disposable paper plates
disposal   the car or action of getting rid of; removal:处理;处置;清理
       garbage disposal
dispute    to argue, esp. angrily and for a long time:争论;辩论;争执
       They disputed for hours about whether to build a new school.
disprove  to be false:证明(某事)不成立;反驳
disreputable    having or showing a bad character; having a bad name:品格不端的;声名狼藉的;见不得人的行为
distill       to make (liquid, in to gas and then make the gas into liquid, as when separating alcohol from water:蒸馏;用蒸馏法提取
       Water can be made pure by distilling it.
distinct    different; separate:分别的;不同的;有区别的
       Those two ideas are quite distinct from each other.
distinguish     to recognize by some mark or typical sign:区别;辨别
       I can distinguish them by their uniforms.
diverge   to separate and go on in different direction:分岔;分开
       The road diverges ahead; you turn left.
diversity        the condition of being different or having differences; variety:多样化;变化
       Mary has a great diversity of interests.
division   1.separation or distribution:分开,分配
       2.one of the parts of groups into which a whole is divided:部分;片段
dogged    having or showing a character which refuses to yield or give up in the face of difficulty or opposition:顽强的;坚忍不拔的
       She was not very clever, but by dogged effort she learnt a good deal at school.
dogma    an important belief or set of beliefs that people are expected to accept without reasoning:教条;教义
dolphin    to three meters long, which swims about in groups:海豚
domestic of the house, home, or family:家的;家庭的
downfall  a sudden fall (esp. from high rank); ruin:(尤指由较高地位)突然下降;垮台
draft       to make a draft:起草;草拟
drainage  a system or means for draining:排水设备;排水系统
dramatic  of or related to the drama:戏剧的
drastic     strong, sudden and often violent or severe:激烈的;猛烈的;急剧的
       Drastic changes are necessary to improve the government of the country.
draw back      to move oneself away from:退却;缩回
       The crowd drew back in terror as the building crashed to the ground.
dredge    to use a dredger (in, on, or for something):(用挖泥机)疏浚;疏通
       Can we dredge the river to make it deeper?
dubious feeling doubt ; undecided:对…怀疑;无把握的;可疑的
       I’m still dubious about that plan.
durable   long lasting:持久的;耐穿的
       durable clothing
Dutch     of or related to the people, country, or language of the Netherlands:荷兰人的;荷兰语的;荷兰的
dwelling  places where people live:住所;住处
       Welcome to my humble dwelling.
dynamite a powerful explosive used in mining:炸药



相关关键字: 雅思 词汇 汇总 英华 青岛







