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http://yingyu.yinghuaedu.com  来源:英华教育(青岛)语言中心  发布时间:2012-09-10 13:28:03


Canal                       a waterway dug in the ground , esp . to allow ships or boats to travel along it : 运河; 水道The Panama canal joins two oceans .
Cancel                     to give up or call off ( a planned activity , idea , etc .) : 放弃或取消(计划的活动,想法等)  She canceled her trip to New York because she felt ill .
Cancer                      diseased growth in the body, which may cause death:癌;毒瘤He’s got a cancer in his throat.
Candidate                 a person who wants, or whom others want, to be chosen for a position, esp. in an election:候选人;应征人   Jean was the best candidate for the job.
Candle                      round stick of wax containing a length of string:蜡烛
Candy                       to preserve ( food ) by cooking in sugar : 蜜饯(食物)以便保存candied fruit
Canteen                    a place in a factory, military camp, etc. where people may buy and eat food, meals, drinks, etc. (工厂或军营内部的) 食堂;小卖部
Capacity                   the amount that something can hold or produce: 容量;生产量
                                The seating capacity of this theatre is 500.
Capillary                  a very fine hair like tube, e.g. one of the smaller blood vessels in the body:毛细管;微血管
Capital                      punishable by death:可处以死刑的
Murder can be a capital offense.
Capitulate                 to yield to the enemy, usu. On agreed conditions:在协议的条件下投降
Carbohydrate            any of various types of substances, such as sugar, which consist of oxygen. Hydrogen. And carbon which provide the body  with heat and power (energy) and if eaten in quantity make one fat:碳水化合物;糖类
Cardinal                   most important; chief; main:最重要的;首要的a cardinal idea
Carnivore                 a flesh eating animal:食肉动物Lions are carnivores; rabbits are not.
Carousel                   a circular moving belt on which bags , cases , etc . from a plan are placed of collection by passengers : ( 美) 旋转式行李输送带
Carp                      to find fault and complain continuously and unnecessarily :挑剔  Please stop carping about the way I dress .
Carpentry              the art or work of a carpenter : 木匠工艺;木工活
Cartilage                ( a piece of ) strong elastic substance found instead of bone in young animal and , esp. around the joints , in order animal  : 软骨There is a cartilage in the nose
Cartography              the science or art of making maps : 制图;制图学
Casting                      metal or plastic object shaped by having been CAST : 铸件
Casualty                    a person hurt in an accident :(事故中的) 受伤者  There were ten serious casualty in the train crash .
Catalog                      a list of places , names , goods , etc  (often with information about them) put in a special order so that they can be found easily :(地名, 人名, 货物等的) 目录
Catalyst                    a substance  which , without itself changing , causes chemical activity to quicken : 触媒;催化剂
Cataract                     a large waterfall : 大瀑布
Catastrophe                a sudden . unexpected , and terrible event that causes great suffering , misfortune , or ruin : 大灾祸  The war was a terrible catstrophe in which many people died .
Categorize                  to put in a category :分门别类
Category                    a division or class in a system for dividing objects into groups according to their nature : 门类,种类
Cater                         to provide and serve food and drinks , usu  . for payment , at a public or private party rather than a restaurant  : ( 指在餐馆以外的地方) 承办酒席Who’s catering  ( at ) your daughter’s wedding ?
Caterpillar                a small long many-legged wormlike creature : 毛虫,(蝴蝶等的)幼虫
Caustic                    ( any of various types of ) chemical substance able to burn or destroy (corrode ) by chemical action : 苛性碱;腐蚀剂
Caution                   great care ; the act of paying attention or of taking care : 小心;谨慎
                               To ware : 警告;告诫  The policeman said : I must caution you that anything  you say may be used against you at your trial .
Cease                       to stop ( esp . an activity ) 停止; 终止(尤指一项活动)
Cellar                       an underground room , usu . used for storing goods : 地窖;地下室
Cell                          a small room in a prison for one person or a small number of people : (监狱的)小房间( 住一个人或几个)
Cellular                   consisting of cells : 细胞的;细胞质的
Cellulose                 the material from which the walls of plants are made , used in marking paper ,plastic , many man-made materials , ect . 纤维素;细胞膜素(造纸塑料等用)
Centrifugal              tending to move in a direction away from the center : 离心的;离心力的
Ceramics                 the art or practice of making bricks , pots , etc . by shaping piece of   clay and baking until hard : 瓷制品;陶器
Cereal                     (  a plan which is grown to produce ) grain for food , such as wheat , rice , etc . 谷类;谷类职务;如小麦,稻米
Ceremony               a formal solemn and well-establish action or set of action used for marking important event : 典礼;仪式;礼仪
Certificate              an official sheet of paper ( document ) which is written or printed a statement made by an official person that a fact or facts are true : 证书;证明书  a birth / marriage / death  certificate
Cervix                   a narrow neck-like opening into an organ of body  , esp . into the womb : 颈部;子宫颈
Chaos                   a state of complete and thorough disorder and confusing : 无秩序;混乱After the power failure , the city was in chaos.
Chap                     a man or boy : 家伙;小伙子
Characteristic          typical  ; representing  a person’s or thing’s usual character : 典型的;有特色的.
Chime                    to make music bell-like sounds ; show ( the time ) in this way : ( 使) 奏出钟似的音乐
Chimney               a hollow passage often rising above the roof of a building , which allows and gases to pass from a fire : 烟囱The factory chimney poured smoke into the air.
Chip                      a small piece of brick , wood , paint , etc .broken off something :(砖,木, 养料等) 小块;碎片
Choral                  of , related to , or sung by a choir or chorus : 唱诗班的;由唱诗班唱的;合唱的  a choral group / society / choral music
Chromosome         a threadlike body found in all living cells, which passes on and controls the nature , character , etc . of a young plant , animal , or cell : 染色体
Chronic                   ( of a disease  ) continual ; lasting a long time :(指疾病) 慢性的;长期的a chronic cough
Chronological        arrange according to the order of time : 按时间顺序排列的;按年代先后的  We’ll make a list of the cause of the war in chronological of the events of last year
Chunk                   a short thick piece or lump that is bigger than the pieces into which something is usually cut : ( 大于平常所切的) 一厚片; 一大片
Civic                    of a city or its citizens : 城市的; 市民的The president’s visit to the city was the most important civic event of the way government works .
Civilian                ( a person ) not of the armed force : ( 人) 平民; 老百姓   civilian government
Clam                    a small soft-bodied sea animal with a double shell , that lives in sand or mud and is eaten : 蛤;蚌
Clamor                 a loud continuous  usu . confused noise or shouting , esp . of people complaining :吵闹; 抱怨  a clamor of voices
Clarity                 clearness : 清楚; 明了  clarity of thinking /  speed
Classify                to arrange or place ( animals , plants , books , etc . ) into classes or groups ; divide according to class : 给( 动物, 植物, 书籍等) 分类; 归类People who work in libraries spend a lot of time classifying books .
Clatter                  a number of rapid short knocking sounds as when a number of things fall to the ground : 急促的敲击声
Clay                     heavy firm earth , soft when wet , becoming hard when baked at a high temperature , and from which bricks ,  pots , earthenware  , etc . are made : 粘土( 制砖, 钵, 陶器等的材料)
Client                    a person who pays a professional person , esp . a lawyer , for help and advice : ( 尤指律师的) 当事人; 委托人.
Climactic              of or forming a climax : 顶点的; 高潮的
Cling                    to held tightly ; stick firmly ; refuse to let go : 紧紧抓住; 牢牢地黏住, 不放开   The wet shirt clung to his body .
Clinging                tight fitting ; sticking tightly and closely to the body : ( 尤指衣服)紧身 ;贴身
Clinic                     a building or part of a hospital where usu . specialize medical treatment and advice is given : 诊所; 门诊部  The clinic is near the station .
Clinical                 of or connected with a clinic or hospital : 诊所的; 医院的
Coarse                   not fine or smooth ; lumpy ; rough : 粗糙的; 为精炼的; 不光滑的; 粗的a coarse woolen garment .
Coax                     to persuade ( someone ) by gentle kindness or patience : 温和和耐心的劝导; 哄
Coherent              naturally or reasonably connected ; easily understood : 连贯的; 易于了解的.
Collide                 to meet and strike ( together ) violently 碰撞; 冲撞Many people were hurt when the  two buses collided .
Cohesion              the art or state of sticking together tightly 凝聚; 紧密团结We need more cohesion in the party if we’re going to win the next election .
Collaborate           to work together or with someone else , esp . for a special purpose : 协作; 合作  The police and the army collaborate to catch the terrorists .
Collapse               to ( cause to ) fall down or inwards suddenly : (使) 倒塌; 崩溃  The weight of snow collapse the roof
                             A ( of an object ) to fold into a shape that takes up less space : 折叠This table collapse , so I  can store it easily when I’m using it .
Colloquial             ( of words , phrases , style , etc . ) of or familiar conversation : ( 词, 短语, 文体等) 口语的, 通俗的, 会话的.
Colonialism          the having or keeping of colonies : 殖民主义, 殖民政策
Colonnade             a row of pillars with equal between usu . supporting a roof or row of arches : 柱廊; 列柱
Combat                   to fight or struggle against : 与…战斗; 与…斗争   to  combat  evil
Combination          the art of combining or state of being combined : 联合体; 结合体The club is supported or united in a common purpose .
Combine               come together , unite , act together , or join together : ( 使) 化合; 混合  What chemicals combine together to make water ?
Combustible          that can catch fire and burn easily : 易燃的; 容易着火的( 物品)     Petrol is highly combustible to don’t smoke while you’re handling it .
Combustion            the art of catch fire and burning : 燃烧; 着火
Commentate           to give a commentary : 评论; 评述
Commercialize            to make ( something ) a matter of profit : 使商业化; 使成为有利润的事   Do you agree that Christmas is too commercialize these days ?
Commission                ( an amount of ) money , usu . relation to the value of goods sold , paid to the salesman who sold them : 佣金; 酬劳金  He gets 10% commission so if  he sells goods worth $100 his commission is $ 10 .
Commissioner                ( in some countries ) an  official in charge of a certain government department : 专员; 委员   Commissioner Addo is responsible for education .
Committee                   a group of people chosen to do a particular job or for special   duties : 委员会  He’s on a lot of committees .
Commitment                a responsibility or promise to follow certain beliefs or a certain course of action : 诺言; 许诺
Commonwealth            an organization of independent states which were formerly parts of the British empire , established to encourage trade and friendly relations among its members : 英联邦
Communication           the various ways of traveling , moving goods and people , and sending information between  two places or in an area ; roads , railway , radio , telephone , television etc . 交通( 泛指通讯, 传播, 运输等工具或媒介)  All communications with France was stopped when the enemy gained control of the sea .
Communal                   shared by or used by members of a group or a community  : 公社的; 公有的
Communicate              to make ( news , opinions , feeling , etc . ) known : 传达( 消息, 意见, 感受等) I don’t think the teacher communicates his ideas clearly .
Community                 a group of people living together and / or united by shared interests , religion nationality , etc . 居住在一起, 而且有共同的兴趣, 宗教, 国籍等联结的一群人; 社团The Puerto Rican community in New York wants  to keep its language and way of life alive  .
Commute                     a person who commutes : 使用长期票上下班者
Comparison                 the act of comparing : 比较
Compensation             something given to compensation : 补偿物; 补偿金  She received $ 10000 in compensation for her husband’s death .
Compile                       to make  ( a report , book , etc .) from facts and information found in various places :  编辑; 汇集( 报告, 书籍等) It takes years of hard work to compile a good dictionary .
Complement               something that completes or makes perfect : 补充物A fine wine is a complement to a good meal .
Complex                     consisting of many closely related or connected parts : 复杂的; 错综的   There is a complex network of roads connecting Glasgow and Edinburgh .
Comply                      to act in according with a demand , order , rule , etc . 遵照; 遵守  People who refuse to comply with the law will be punished .
Composition              the act of composing : 组成; 构成   A piece of music of her own composition .
Comprehensive          thorough ; broad ; including much : 彻底的; 广泛的; 包罗广的The government gave a very comprehensive explanation of its plan for industrial development .
Comprise                   to consist of ; include ; be made up of : 包括; 包含; 由…组成. The United Kingdom comprise England . Wales , Scotland , and Northern Ireland .
Compulsory               put into force by the law , orders , etc . 义务的; 强制的  Education is compulsory for all children in Britain .
Concave                     curved inward , like the inside surface of a hollow ball : 凹的; 凹面的a concave mirror
Concede                     to admit as true , just , or proper , often unwillingly : ( 勉强) 承认  The government concede defeat as soon as the election results were known .
Conceivable               that can be thought of or believed ; imaginable : 可以想到的; 可以相信的; 可以想象的    It is conceivable that there will be a third world war , but I hope it won’t happen .
Concentric                 having the same center : 同心的; 同轴的
Concern                     to be a bout : 关于   This story concerns a man who is wrongly imprisoned .
Concession                  the art of yielding  , esp . after a disagreement : 让步( 在不同意见后)  The company ‘s promise to increase our pay was concession to union demands .
Concrete                    existing as something real or solid ; actual : 具体的; 实在的  Coal is a concrete object ; heat is not .
Conclusive                putting an end to doubt or uncertainty : 决定性的; 结论性的conclusive proof that he was the murderer
Condense                  to put into a smaller or shortened form : 缩短; 压缩  a condensed report
Conduct                     to direct or lead : 管理; 引导  She conducts her business very successfully .
Confer                       to give ( a gift , title , honour , favour , etc . ) 授予; 赠予( 礼物, 头衔等)  The queen conferred a noble title on her faithful minister .
                                  To talk together ; compare opinions : 商讨; 交换意见The minister are still conferring on this matter .
Confession                 ( an example of ) the act of admitting one’s crimes , serious faults , etc . 承认; 坦白
Confidential              in secret ; to be kept secret: 秘密的; 机密的; 应保密的confidential information
Confluence                  the flowing together of two or more streams : 河流; 汇流  The city was established at the confluence of the Rhine and the Moslem .
Confront                      to face boldly or threateningly : 大胆或要挟地面对  When I left the restaurant , I was confronted by two man who asked me for money .
Congested                   ( of a street , city , narrow place , etc . ) very full or blocked , esp . because of traffic : ( 街道, 城市, 狭窄地方等由于交通量达而) 拥堵; 堵塞. Fifth avenue is always very congested .
Congregate                  to gather together  : 使聚集; 集合  The crowds congregated in the town square it  hear the President .
Conjunction                a word such as : “but “or “and “that connects parts of sentences , phrases , etc . 连结词
Connect                      to join , unite , link : 连结; 结合They hires 2 rooms with connecting doors .
Connection                 the act of connecting : 连接;  接合The connection of the house pipes to the water supply .
Consciousness              the condition of being able to think , feel , understand what is happening etc . 意识; 知觉  Roger lost consciousness at four o’clock in the afternoon and died in the night .
Consensus                  a general agreement ; the opinion of a group  : 意见一致; 一群人的意见What is the consensus of opinion ?
Conservation              the act of conserving ( conserve ) ; preservation : 保护; 保存
Consideration             carefully thought : attention : 细心考虑; 关注We’ll give your request our careful consideration .
Consist of                   to be made up of : 包括The United Kingdom consists of Great Britain and  Northern Ireland .
Consistent                  ( of a person . behavior , beliefs , ect .) keeping to the same principles ,line of reasoning , or course of action : ( 人, 行为, 信念等) 一贯的, 一致的This statement is not consistent with what you said yesterday .
Consolation                ( a person or thing that gives ) comfort during a time of sadness or disappointment : 安慰; 慰籍I got many letters of consolation when my mother died .
Consonant                  any of the speech sounds made by partly or  completely stopping the flow of air as it goes through the mouth : 辅音
                                   ( to , with ) being in agreement : 一致; 和谐Your actions do not appear to be consonant with your principles .
Conspiracy                ( the act of making ) a secret plan by two or more people to do something unlawful : 阴谋; 密谋  the generals’conspiracy to seize control of the government
Constable                   a police officer of the lowest rank : ( 最低级) 警官
Constabulary              the police force of a particular area or country  : ( 特定地区或国家的) 警察
Constrain                   to make ( someone ) do something by force or by strongly persuading : 强迫; 强制I felt constrained to do what he told me .
Construction              the business or work of building :  建筑业; 建造
                                  I work in construction  / a construction
Consultant                a high ranking hospital doctor who give specialist advice in addition     to that given by an ordinary doctor : 高级医生或专家
                                 A person who gives specialist professional advice to other : 顾问
Consultation              a meeting held to exchange opinions and ideas : 商量; 协商   The doctors held a consultation concerning the new patient .
Consumer                  a person who buys and uses goods and services : 消费者; 用户
Contaminate              to make impure or bad by mixing with dirty or poisonous matter : 污染; 玷污; 染毒Don’t eat this food : it’s been contaminated by flies .
Contemplate               to consider or look at with continued attention ; think about : 沉思, 仔细考虑   The doctor contemplated the difficult operation he had to perform .
Contestant                 someone competing in a contest : 竞争者; 争论者    There are 50  contestants in this competition .
Contradict                  to declare ( a person , opinion , something written or spoken ) to be wrong or untruthful : 反驳; 驳斥; 否认; 顶嘴  Young children should never contadict what their parents say .
                                 To be opposite in nature or character to ( a statement , action , fact , etc . ) : 抵触 ; 矛盾   Your actions contradict your declared moral principle .
Contribute                to join with others in giving ( money , help , etc . ) 捐助 ; 贡献  Everybody contributed towards Jane’s present when she left the office .
Controversial           causing much argument or disagreement : 有争议的  ; 引起争论的  a controversial speech / decision / person / book
Convene                  to meet or gather : 集会 ; 聚集
Conventional           following accepted customs and standards , sometimes too closely : 拘礼的; 习惯的 ; 保守的
Converge                 to come together towards a common point : 会合 ; 集中 ; 聚集The roads converge just before the station .
Converse                  opposite  : 相反的   I hold the converse opinion .
Convert                    to ( cause to ) change into another form , substance , or state , or from one purpose , system , etc . to another : 改变;转换;兑换  Coal can be converted to gas .
Convey                    to take or carry from one place to another : 传送;运送to convey electricity from power stations to house .
Convict                    to find ( someone ) guilty of a crime in a court of law : 判罪;证明…有罪The criminal was convicted of murder .
Coordinate              to work together , esp . to increase effectiveness : 使协调We need to coordinate our efforts .
Copyright                 the right in the law to be the only produce of seller of a book , play , movie , record , etc . for a fixed period of time : (书籍,剧本,电影,录音等在一定时期内的)版权;著作权Who has the copy right of /on/for your book ?
Coral                        a white , pink , or reddish stone-like or horn-like substance formed from the bones of very small sea animals : 珊瑚  Coral is often used for making jewelry .
Core                        the hard or solid central part containing the seeds of certain fruits , such as the apple : 含籽的水水果果心;果核
Corporate                of , belonging to , or shared by all the members of a group ; collective : 共同的;集体的
Correlation               a share relationship or causal connection : 相互关系 ;关系a high correlation between unemployment and crime
Correspondence       agreement between particular things ; likeness : 符合;相似
Corruption                the act of correction : 腐败;败坏
Cosmetic                  a face-cream , body-powder , etc . intended to make the skin or hair more beautiful : 化妆品
                                 Of , related to ,or causing increased beauty of the skin or hair : 化妆用的;美容的
Cosmic                    of  or related to the whole universe : 宇宙的
Cosmopolitan          consisting of people from many different part of the world : 有世界各地的  New York is a very cosmopolitan city
Cosmos                    the universe considered as an ordered system : 宇宙
Cosset                       to pay a great deal of attention to making comfortable and contented ; treat very kindly :疼爱;宠爱;纵容
Council                    a group of people appointed or elected to make laws or decisions , for a town , church , etc . or to give advice : 理事会;委员会  The housing council advised us to build apartment for old people
Counselor                 an adviser : 顾问   a marriage guidance counselor
Cram                       to force ( a person or thing ) into a small space : 塞入;填入to cram people into a railroad car
Cramp                     a severe pain from the sudden tightening of a muscle , which makes movement difficult : 抽筋;痉挛   The swimming goes a cramp in his leg and had to be lifted out of the water .
Craze                        to make very excited , angry , or mad : 使疯狂;生气   The climber was crazed by the many hours he’d spent in the freezing cold .                                   a very popular fashion . use for a very short time : 时尚;流行  This new toy is the latest craze in America.
Credit                      to place ( an amount of money ) in an account : 记账( 账户)  Please credit $200 to my account .
Creep                      to move slowly and quietly , esp . with the body close to the ground : 爬行;蠕动The cat crept silently towards the mouse .
Crevice                  a narrow crack or opening , esp. in rock : ( 尤指石头上的) 裂缝;缺口
Crew                       all the people working on a ship , plane , etc . ( 船上, 飞机上的) 全体乘务员   The crew is waiting for instructions from the ship’s owner .
Cricket                    a type of small brown insect , the male of which makes loud short noises  by rubbing leathery wings together : 蟋蟀
                              An outdoor game played with a ball , BAT , and wickets , by two teams of 11 players each : 板球运动
Criterion          an establish rule , standard , or principle , on which a judgment is based : 标准; 准则What  criteria do you use when judging a student’s work ?
Criticism           the art of forming judgments about the good or bad qualities of anything, esp. artistic work; work of a critic : 批评; 评论性的文章; 文艺批评理论  The students gave constructive criticism .
Critical               finding the fault ; judging severely : 苛求的; 最受批评的  If you really understood the difficulties facing the government you wouldn’t be so critical of its spending reduction .
Croissant              a piece of buttery bread like pastry : 新月形小面包
Crucial              of the greatest importance 重要关头; 关键时刻at a crucial moment
Cruise                     to sail in an unhurried way :巡航; 游览
Crust             the hard usu. brown outer surface of baked bread : 面包片; 干面包片.
Crutch                    a stick with a piece that fits under the arm , for supporting a person who has difficulty in walking : 拐杖  When he broke his leg he had to walk on crutches .
Crystal           a transparent natural mineral that looks like pure ice : 水晶
Cuff                 the end of  a sleeve nearest the hand : 袖口; 袖头
Cuisine                 a style of cooking : 烹饪法       French cuisine
Culprit                 the person guilty of a crime or offense : 罪犯; 犯人
cultivate  to prepare (land) for the growing of crops:耕种
cultural    of or related to culture:文化上的;文化的
current    belonging to the present time;of the present day:现实的;当前的;现行的
cushion   a bag filled with a soft substance on which a person can lie, sit, or rest comfortably:坐垫;垫子;靠垫
cyanide   a very strong poison:氯化氢(一种很厉害的毒物)
cycle       a number of related events happening in a regularly order:循环;周期;一转
cyclic      happening in cycles:周期的;循环的
cylinder   a hollow or solid body with a circular base and straight sides:(内空或内实的)圆柱体;圆筒
cynic      a person who thinks that people act only in their own interests, who sees little or no good in anything, and who shows this by making unkind remarks about people and things:愤世嫉俗者;玩世不恭的人;好挖苦的人



相关关键字: 雅思 词汇 汇总 英语 学习 英华 青岛







